Michigan Senator Jon Bumstead
State Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Elected State Legislators
Recent News About Michigan Senator Jon Bumstead
Bumstead's Promise Zone reform bill provides more local authority in terms of college expenses
Legislation sponsored by Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo) recently passed in the Michigan Senate, providing more flexibility to Promise Zone Authorities.
Michigan Senate approves legislation to increase flexibility for Promise Zone scholarships
The Michigan Senate recently approved Sen. Jon Bumstead's (R-Newaygo) sponsored legislation that would provide more flexibility and increase access to student scholarships for students in Michigan’s Promise Zones, according to MiSenateGOP.
Bumstead contributes in effort to supply Michigan students with backpacks
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the hardship that it's causing Michigan families, Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo) participated in an effort to help families gain access to one of the most necessary supplies that students need: backpacks.
Aerial spraying of high-risk areas for eastern equine encephalitis in Michigan has begun
The state of Michigan has begun applying aerial treatments in high-risk areas to prevent the spread of eastern equine encephalitis (EEE).
Bumstead: GOP reforms eased impact of COVID-19 shutdowns
Fiscal reforms made by Republican leaders in Michigan before the COVID-19 pandemic will help the state as it builds its way back from the economic downturn, according to Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo).
Bumstead honors Michigan police officers across three counties
Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo) recently showed his support for local law enforcement by honoring officers in three counties.
Bumstead supports outdoor recreation legislation for Newaygo and Mecosta Counties
Legislation that would fund outdoor recreation in the 34th District was introduced by Michigan Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo), according to a press release from MiSenateGOP.
Michigan GOP passes bills to protect Michigan workers during pandemic
Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo) published a statement on the Michigan House Republicans website after two measures were approved by the Michigan Legislature.
Bumstead and Muskegon County officials discuss plans to mitigate flooding
After historic rainfall triggered constant flooding in Muskegon County, state Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo) met with local officials there to develop a plan to prevent future damage.
Sen. Bumstead weighs in on Michigan's economy and public safety concerns
State Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo) published an article on MiSenateGOP stating that he has talked to many of his constituents about the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on their lives.
Sen. Jon Bumstead releases an e-newsletter during coronavirus outbreak
Michigan Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo) is releasing newsletters to keep the state up-to-date on changes and any new information that should be shared during the COVID-19 pandemic.